Aiming for monthly posts

When l look at the date of my last post, l think damn l thought l was more up to date but the sorry fact is that l am not up to date in blog land.  Thats because l am hooked on Instagram and find that quicker and easier.

That doesnt mean that l am  not going to blog any more… means that l have to get better at this whole social media thingo……

Anyway here are some catch up photos.

004jpg007jpg008jpg009jpg010jpgI am really pleased to be stocking some of Bev Macleans cards, Bev is a local artist ( and a great chick) and the cards are prints of her original artworks.  So they are now available on the counter.

As you can see l have a lot of new brights in and l have had to rearrange to fit the new repros in as well.

Anyway thats it for now.

Cheers Mary

Xmas 24 trading.

Its no surprise that Xmas is fast approaching…. And the questions on when the shop will close have started…. So this is what lm doing

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Im live……

So if your reading this post you probably realised that my new website is live… I had no idea it would be such a process.

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Old Blog Posts

Choices.. Do l send across my old blog posts from previous website to the new one. Whats relevant now. Is it boring. Observations galore…first that

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New Website

A marathon event, this website stuff and William ( Macedon Digital) has had so much patience with me. I dont pretend to be super computer

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We’d love to hear from you!

Shop 4, 14 Prince St, Gisborne, 3437

(03 ) 5420 7333