Brrrrr stating the obvious …its cold

July so far weather wise has been a cold month in Melbourne, and a little bit fresher in Gisborne but that is expected.

Nothing that cranking up the heater doesnt fix…so my shop is beautiful and warm……

The regular box unpacking continues….and my changing the shop around is still a current theme….

002jpgFrench General – Bon Voyage precuts and only the greens /blues arrived…..

007jpg“Darling”-  modern greys and pinks in geometric patterns .

008jpgAmazing Amy Butler  collection called Bright Heart.

009jpgand lovely new Liberty  great price at $50.00 per metre…..

The other great thing that has happened is that Irene Blancks new Block of the Month  Paradise of Birds has started ……..(dont panic if you have registered and havent heard from me that will happen this week)

As with all BOMs there are only limited spots so currently the first program is full but l am taking names as l will be starting a second program, so you can register for the next one.

003jpgThankyou to all that popped in for my first quilt sale… went well with more than half of the quilts sold.  It may be a regular calender event……

001jpgThanks again for another great month…..

Cheers Mary

Jack news:    Jack is a little chubby 3 month old now smiling and gooing, not surprising that he has his mother and father wrapped around his little fat fingers……  He is however still keeping them up at night……

January notes

Well January is just about complete…. Its been a great reopening…lots of foot traffic and sunny dispositions… Plenty of completed quilt tops needing backings and

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December Fabric Deliveries

Xmas arriving soon doesnt stop the fabric deliveries. Mostly as the warehouses are clearing the backlog before their break. So whats arrived you may ask,

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Xmas 24 trading.

Its no surprise that Xmas is fast approaching…. And the questions on when the shop will close have started…. So this is what lm doing

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Im live……

So if your reading this post you probably realised that my new website is live… I had no idea it would be such a process.

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Old Blog Posts

Choices.. Do l send across my old blog posts from previous website to the new one. Whats relevant now. Is it boring. Observations galore…first that

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We’d love to hear from you!

Shop 4, 14 Prince St, Gisborne, 3437

(03 ) 5420 7333