Dance of the Heart sums it up……..

Terrific Easter was had by all the the PnQ household, lots of visitors, food, chocolate, (maybe a little alcohol) a football drought over(Go Cats), some odd jobs done , sewing done, a sleep in, roaming around in pjs for a while.

So l thought l had better show you what lve been up to…..l have spent some 2 hours trawling through sites on the computer   l so hate that when l get hooked…..

005jpgDance of the Heart  by Rosalie Quinlan got finished,

001jpgAnother childs play mat got finished l think l am in love with these….they are just so simple  find a panel if its not big enough for what you want add a border to the top and bottom place some batting behind that and quilt with cotton perle(its quick by using a thicker thread) then using spray baste put a piece of laminated fabric on the back and then trim to size and then bind it using the pre-made binding that l have in the shop and thats it….great present……

002jpgSitting around for some time l have had these iron on transfers from the Aunt Marthas range and l was always a bit stuck as to what to do, so l needed a new tablecloth.

So l cut out the tranfers from the packet and then ironed them onto a feed sack that l had(its huge) and then started to embroider the picture.

004jpgand the first one is done..l used x 6 strands of DMC in really bright colours.  The only negative to the process is that the lines can be a bit thick if you keep the iron on too long.  You would think l would know that by now………

So when l get further down the track l will show you…….

Cheers Mary

January notes

Well January is just about complete…. Its been a great reopening…lots of foot traffic and sunny dispositions… Plenty of completed quilt tops needing backings and

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December Fabric Deliveries

Xmas arriving soon doesnt stop the fabric deliveries. Mostly as the warehouses are clearing the backlog before their break. So whats arrived you may ask,

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Xmas 24 trading.

Its no surprise that Xmas is fast approaching…. And the questions on when the shop will close have started…. So this is what lm doing

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Im live……

So if your reading this post you probably realised that my new website is live… I had no idea it would be such a process.

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Old Blog Posts

Choices.. Do l send across my old blog posts from previous website to the new one. Whats relevant now. Is it boring. Observations galore…first that

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(03 ) 5420 7333