Easter is almost here ..aaaaahhhhhh.

Well we are a couple of days out from Easter and more importantly for our family the start of the AFL footy season.  Not sure how many games l will get to this year jusy my luck most of James games will be on a Saturday…..oh well…

The Kelly baby is nearly cooked, and should be here some time in the next couple of weeks so of course two quilts have been made……no secret clues have been leaked as to the sex..so it will be a great surprise.   So thanks for all of your enquiries….l’ll let you know what the outcome is…..

The box brigade continues arriving at the shop and the following collections are now on the shelf.

001jpgAnother Aunt Grace 1930s collection.

002jpgDaysail By Bonnie and Camille  (sorry about the pic)

009jpgSanibel by Gina Martin..

Just also need to let you know that my Easter trading will be as follows:

Friday 3 April    CLOSED

Saturday 4 April   Open 9.30 – 4.oopm

Sunday 5 April   Open 9.00 – 3.00pm

Monday 6 April CLOSED

Tuesday 7 April back to normal trading…………………

Easter Sunday has coincided with Gisborne Market Day which is why l will be open….so l will have to save my chocolates until l get home.

Have a great mini break……

Cheers Mary

PS  REMINDER FOR MAY MARKET DAY:  The  Spinners and Weavers will be having a display and sale of goods in my classroom..   get some great products for Mothers Day.

January notes

Well January is just about complete…. Its been a great reopening…lots of foot traffic and sunny dispositions… Plenty of completed quilt tops needing backings and

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December Fabric Deliveries

Xmas arriving soon doesnt stop the fabric deliveries. Mostly as the warehouses are clearing the backlog before their break. So whats arrived you may ask,

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Xmas 24 trading.

Its no surprise that Xmas is fast approaching…. And the questions on when the shop will close have started…. So this is what lm doing

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Im live……

So if your reading this post you probably realised that my new website is live… I had no idea it would be such a process.

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Old Blog Posts

Choices.. Do l send across my old blog posts from previous website to the new one. Whats relevant now. Is it boring. Observations galore…first that

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We’d love to hear from you!

Shop 4, 14 Prince St, Gisborne, 3437

(03 ) 5420 7333