Eeeooow its been a month

Well should l start the excuses now, you know how long its been since l blogged………well guess what l am not making any excuses l’ve just been busy.

001jpgKiki the cat has been made. A very simple Melly and Me pattern.

002jpgThe pre-cut hexagon, cot quilt was finished.

003jpgMeep  was made and postioned in a warm place.

004jpgand Matilda Mouse was made and located on the counter. A terrific Creative Card Pattern.

So l have been busy along with the shop which is just great so thanks to all of the supporters.

I’ve also had lots of visitors(customers), Lovely Meredith and the super Helen, Jan Kerton and the possie that follows, Irene Blanck and her gurus, clever Jenn, vistors to Sewjourn in Lancefield, groupies on there way to the terrific Retreat in Woodend, Girls on the way through to Bacchus Marsh Retreat, 5 sales reps, my regular sit n sew girls, Carols Girls, Marinas Girls, Amandas Girls, Janine’s applique girls and Carmels knitting groupies.

Apology to any significant people that l forgot.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I also had a week off (just fabulous), got to go to 2 football matches, had lunch with my kids, saw Mr PnQ for longer than an hour or so, removed cobwebs from the house, had some odd jobs done around the house, pruned the roses (at last), slept in, roamed around in the pjs for one morning , caught up on paperwork, sewed and sewed and sewed  (what bliss). So l am feeling quite refreshed ready for the lead up to the Footy Finals and Christmas(blah).

Thankyou to my shop girls Carmel and Janine who looked after the shop while l had a break.

That sums up my month.

Cheers Mary

January notes

Well January is just about complete…. Its been a great reopening…lots of foot traffic and sunny dispositions… Plenty of completed quilt tops needing backings and

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December Fabric Deliveries

Xmas arriving soon doesnt stop the fabric deliveries. Mostly as the warehouses are clearing the backlog before their break. So whats arrived you may ask,

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Xmas 24 trading.

Its no surprise that Xmas is fast approaching…. And the questions on when the shop will close have started…. So this is what lm doing

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Im live……

So if your reading this post you probably realised that my new website is live… I had no idea it would be such a process.

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Old Blog Posts

Choices.. Do l send across my old blog posts from previous website to the new one. Whats relevant now. Is it boring. Observations galore…first that

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We’d love to hear from you!

Shop 4, 14 Prince St, Gisborne, 3437

(03 ) 5420 7333